
Mr. Lee's Pain Clinic Experience

80-year-old Mr. Lee, a lifelong golf enthusiast, has considered golf his primary sport for decades. However, starting a year ago, severe lower back pain and inability to lift his right arm plagued him after playing, sometimes making it difficult to even walk. Although visiting doctors and taking medication provided some relief, the pain persisted once the medication wore off.

A fellow golfer recommended our clinic. Through comprehensive joint, muscle, and precision testing, we discovered that his issues were not just muscle injuries and joint wear but also included spinal curvature, herniated discs, and autoimmune diseases. We planned a series of rehabilitation programs for Mr. Lee, focusing on nutrition, treatment, exercise, and lifestyle improvements, gradually reducing his dependency on medication for pain relief.

Recently, he returned to the golf course, enjoying the game with old friends. He shared with us during a recent clinic visit that he now plays better than before, earning admiring glances from his fellow golfers!


Miss Huang's Pain Clinic Experience

45-year-old Miss Huang began experiencing unexplained pain throughout her body a year ago, but couldn't pinpoint exactly where it hurt. In recent months, the pain intensified, making eating uncomfortable and muscle control difficult, even simple tasks like tying shoelaces became a struggle. Her weight plummeted from over 50 kilograms to around 35 kilograms, leaving her severely debilitated by the pain.

A friend of Miss Huang, who was a patient of ours, knowing her condition, recommended she visit us for a potential solution. We conducted a full-body examination and precise system tests on Miss Huang, leading to a diagnosis of a rare form of multiple sclerosis, a condition that needed immediate treatment to avoid a limited lifespan of just a few years.

From the system tests, we identified the specific issues with her autoimmunity. We then applied biologic agents, nutritional conditioning, and treatment methods, gradually improving Miss Huang’s condition. Over the past few months, her pain and discomfort have significantly lessened. She's eating better, her nutrition is replenished, and her speech has become clearer.

Now, Miss Huang has started regular exercise and is moving towards complete recovery.

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Precision Medicine / Preventive Medicine