
Mr. Lee's Parkinson's disease

Three years ago when he was eighty years old, Mr. Lee was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and began taking related medications. Over the past three years his condition did not improve, but rather he gradually lost motor abilities, suffering from weak limbs, frequent dizziness, difficulty walking, and inability to engage in sports and exercises he previously enjoyed.

Six months ago, Mr. Lee was introduced by a friend to come to our clinic. After careful testing and assessments related to Parkinson’s disease, we discovered that Mr. Lee is not a typical Parkinson’s patient, and that there was a high probability of restoring most of his health.

Under the detailed adjustment of medications by our team of doctors, supplemented with cell-assisted therapy and readapting daily lifestyle habits, after three months Mr. Lee recovered most of his bodily functions. Now he can drive himself and play golf with friends again, got off Parkinson’s medications, and medications for hypertension and hyperlipidemia as well, gradually restoring his health.


Mr. Zhan's Parkinson's Disease Treatment

Mr. Zhan from Hsinchu was diagnosed with an atypical form of Parkinson's disease. Unlike typical cases, he did not experience tremors in his hands or take small, shuffling steps. However, he struggled with unclear speech, uncontrollable drooling, and muffled speaking. We determined that his symptoms were due to myasthenia gravis beginning in the facial area, which developed after his Parkinson's diagnosis. Our precise diagnostic data led us to first alleviate his immune system's self-attack. Then, through conditioning, cellular nutrition, and regenerative medical rehabilitation, he has shown significant improvement and is progressively recovering.


Mrs. Lee's Orthopedic Rehabilitation Treatment

Mrs. Lee, in her 70s, worked hard in her youth to support her family. After turning 60, she often experienced discomfort and pain in both her knees and arms. She had tried many anti-inflammatory and pain relief prescriptions from doctors, which temporarily eased the discomfort, but they failed to provide a long-term improvement.

Her friend recommended Happy Clinic, initially hoping joint injection therapy could offer a more lasting solution to her pain. However, upon detailed examination, we discovered that Mrs. Lee's condition was not just joint degeneration; her autoimmune issues also needed attention and couldn't be resolved solely through conventional injections and medication.

Our medical team developed a comprehensive treatment plan for her, addressing her autoimmune problems first before moving on to rehabilitation therapy. After three months of treatment, the pain in her joints significantly reduced. Now, she can once again participate in her beloved religious activities.






Mr. Ou's Stroke Treatment

Whether it's a hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke, patients typically rely on rehabilitation to slowly regain their physical mobility, speech, and cognitive abilities post-stroke. However, the effectiveness of these efforts is often limited.

Mr. Ou experienced an ischemic stroke a year ago. After visiting many hospitals and undergoing extensive rehabilitation without significant improvement, he was left to rely solely on medication. We employed a non-invasive treatment approach to reverse the worsening condition of his disease. This approach aims to enable him to live the latter part of his life without depending on long-term medication or equipment, alleviating the burden on his family who cares for him and restoring his dignity and freedom in life.


Miss Hong's Autoimmune Disease

Following her COVID-19 diagnosis, Miss Hong faced a myriad of issues: low platelet count, autonomic dysfunction, and immune imbalance. She experienced a decline in physical strength, extreme fatigue, chest tightness and pain, anxiety and depression, and dizziness. The greatest risk for COVID-19 patients isn't the virus itself, but the cytokine storm caused by an overactive immune response, leading to multi-system/organ/tissue damage.

This is due to the immune system being regulated by the autonomic nervous system. During the COVID-19 pandemic, factors like increased risk of disease infection and psychological stress from the pandemic have further destabilized both the autonomic nervous system and the immune system. Particularly noteworthy is that post-infection, the virus damages the immune system and further harms the autonomic nervous system, making it even more difficult for the body's natural physiological cycle and self-healing capabilities to coordinate and return to normal functioning. Through medical intervention, Miss Hong's platelet count has been restored to standard levels, and her body is in the process of regaining strength.


Mr. Liao's Declining Kidney Function

Mr. Liao, from Taipei and only in his 50s, couldn't understand why his blood pressure was so high, especially since his blood tests showed no issues with triglycerides or high cholesterol. Why was his blood pressure so elevated? Upon visiting Happy Clinic, we suspected an issue with his kidney's glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Immediate blood tests revealed his GFR had dropped to 30 - 59 ml/min/1.73 m^2, indicating stage three kidney disease.

We promptly arranged a treatment plan for his declining kidney function. Within just three months, his glomerular filtration rate improved to 70-90 ml/min. Many people are unaware until they are informed by hospitals that they need dialysis because their bodies can no longer expel uremic toxins. With Taiwan seeing a record high in the dialysis population, this type of preventive treatment is something we at Happy Clinic continually promote.

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Happy Clinic
Precision Medicine / Preventive Medicine