
Mr. Lin's Male-Sexual Potency Treatment

Modern lifestyles, characterized by high stress, irregular meals, and sedentary habits, contribute to male hormonal imbalances, obesity, and a history of diabetes, all of which are major culprits in erectile dysfunction and male health issues.

Mr. Lin sought to alleviate this distress, driven by the desire for marriage, family, and the pressure to continue his lineage. After discovering us online and following consultations with our doctors, he received both psychological and physiological treatments. After five months of care using Happy Clinic's specialized medical approach, Mr. Lin has achieved his initial goals. His erectile function is gradually improving, and his sperm count is satisfactory. However, he still needs to make more significant lifestyle and dietary changes to fully regain his health.


High Blood Lipids and Cholesterol Blood Purification Program

Is your blood healthy?

Modern lifestyles with irregular eating habits, social drinking, overtime work, and excessive refined diets have led to increased triglycerides and bad cholesterol in the blood, paving the way for chronic diseases and even thrombosis.

Our blood purification program filters out large impurities from the blood, requiring only 3-4 hours to thoroughly cleanse the blood and address the issues associated with vascular stenting.

This blood purification is not dialysis (not kidney-related) and only filters out medium to large molecules that pose health risks.

It's suitable for those who frequently drink socially, have chronic diseases, high blood lipids, high uric acid, or a family history of the "three highs" (high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol).

Post blood purification:

✔ Promotes overall health.

✔ Reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

✔ Enhances circulation and increases oxygenation.

✔ Lowers the risk of the "three highs."

✔ Improves sleep quality and daytime energy.

✓ Reduces the risk of needing vascular stents.


Mrs. Lin's Case of High Blood Sugar, High Blood Lipids, and High Cholesterol

Mrs. Lin had high levels of blood lipids, cholesterol, and blood sugar, which were controlled within range by long-term medication. One day, she visited Happy Clinic for a blood test, which showed everything as normal. Upon reviewing her current medication prescriptions, we found that she had been taking medication for the "three highs" (high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol) for an extended period. She mentioned frequent body aches, occasional dizziness, unexplained breathing difficulties, and poor sleep quality. We informed her that these were side effects of her medication for the "three highs" and explained that these drugs only offer temporary control and treat symptoms rather than the root cause. Upon stopping the medication, all her indices would rise again.

We employed a special therapy approach, gradually reducing her medication dosage and integrating nutritional injections, dietary control, and health supplements. This progressive strategy helped her gradually free herself from dependency on medication. After six months of treatment, she successfully stopped her medication, lost a significant amount of weight, and her overall health improved. The body aches naturally diminished, and she now maintains a better quality of life through nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle changes.


Mr. Chen's Liver, Kidney, and Urinary System Case

Mr. Chen thought he merely had simple fatty liver disease, which he usually ignored. However, with accumulated fat in his liver over time, it was prone to further damage, leading to inflammation, scarring, and liver fibrosis. Upon visiting Happy Clinic and undergoing blood tests, elevated GOT and GPT levels indicated abnormal liver function.

Typically, medication is used to address inflammation, but our approach went beyond just medication. We comprehensively intervened in his lifestyle and daily dietary habits, providing him with the right concepts. In a short time, he began addressing his problems without relying on medication. After a period of treatment, fortunately, his indices gradually decreased, and his liver function began to normalize.

This resolved a year's worth of unexplained nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite, and inability to eat properly. He was even more delighted to have quit alcohol and smoking, successfully reducing his abdominal circumference.

Our medical team at Happy Clinic warned him that without proper care, his condition could progress to liver cirrhosis and eventually liver cancer. This realization of the severity of his condition prompted him to commit to the treatment seriously.

Miss Du-Alzheimer-Treatment-in-Kaohsiung

Miss Du's Alzheimer's Treatment in Kaohsiung

Miss Du from Kaohsiung was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. However, through Happy Clinic's precise testing, she was found to have an atypical form of the disease. Her current symptoms include physical weakness, dizziness, severe forgetfulness, and poor sleep quality. MRI tests confirmed there was no issue with her hippocampus, but we observed long-term nutritional imbalances and autoimmune disorders (cellular self-attack) in her. Additionally, low female hormones and thyroid levels were affecting her overall muscle strength and motor nerves. Her lack of concentration, long-term use of epilepsy and 'three highs' medications, and brain-damaging drugs (medication side effects) were also noted.

At Happy Clinic, we first reduced her dependency on these medications through nutritional supplementation, followed by our precise treatment involving speech reconstruction and physical rehabilitation. Over a six-month treatment period, she gradually regained strength and began rehabilitating new memories in her brain. This is part of our comprehensive precision treatment plan.


Mr. Jian's Alzheimer's Treatment

68-year-old Mr. Jian began noticing a significant decline in his memory three years ago, often forgetting things he had just done. Two years ago, he started experiencing difficulty speaking clearly and stuttering. After several visits to the hospital, he was diagnosed with early-stage Alzheimer's disease and started on medication and supportive therapies.

Earlier this year, his condition worsened, with unclear speech and a blurred sense of time and space; he couldn't remember where he placed things and became irritable, unable to listen to his family.

A friend kindly brought him to our clinic for our doctors to assess and help. After detailed consultations and tests, we confirmed Mr. Jian's diagnosis of Alzheimer's. Alongside his existing treatment, we changed his diet and lifestyle habits and introduced brain function restoration and mitochondrial support therapies. Over six months, Mr. Jian improved enough to meet friends outside without getting lost, consistently place things in specific spots, and communicate clearly with us. His recent social interactions have also revitalized his optimism and energy! His family hopes he will continue to work towards recovery at our clinic.

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Happy Clinic
Functional Repair / Functional Reconstruction