
Mr. Liao's Declining Kidney Function

Mr. Liao, from Taipei and only in his 50s, couldn't understand why his blood pressure was so high, especially since his blood tests showed no issues with triglycerides or high cholesterol. Why was his blood pressure so elevated? Upon visiting Happy Clinic, we suspected an issue with his kidney's glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Immediate blood tests revealed his GFR had dropped to 30 - 59 ml/min/1.73 m^2, indicating stage three kidney disease.

We promptly arranged a treatment plan for his declining kidney function. Within just three months, his glomerular filtration rate improved to 70-90 ml/min. Many people are unaware until they are informed by hospitals that they need dialysis because their bodies can no longer expel uremic toxins. With Taiwan seeing a record high in the dialysis population, this type of preventive treatment is something we at Happy Clinic continually promote.


Mr. Chen's Liver, Kidney, and Urinary System Case

Mr. Chen thought he merely had simple fatty liver disease, which he usually ignored. However, with accumulated fat in his liver over time, it was prone to further damage, leading to inflammation, scarring, and liver fibrosis. Upon visiting Happy Clinic and undergoing blood tests, elevated GOT and GPT levels indicated abnormal liver function.

Typically, medication is used to address inflammation, but our approach went beyond just medication. We comprehensively intervened in his lifestyle and daily dietary habits, providing him with the right concepts. In a short time, he began addressing his problems without relying on medication. After a period of treatment, fortunately, his indices gradually decreased, and his liver function began to normalize.

This resolved a year's worth of unexplained nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite, and inability to eat properly. He was even more delighted to have quit alcohol and smoking, successfully reducing his abdominal circumference.

Our medical team at Happy Clinic warned him that without proper care, his condition could progress to liver cirrhosis and eventually liver cancer. This realization of the severity of his condition prompted him to commit to the treatment seriously.

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Happy Clinic
Functional Repair / Functional Reconstruction